Edirne, Turkey skyline: the 19 most iconic buildings and best views in Edirne (2024)

Edirne Palace is an expansive archaeological site showcasing remnants of Ottoman architecture from the 15th century. Road closures prevented a closer look at the renowned Kirkpinar yagli guresleri, a traditional wrestling event, but future visits to this charming city will hopefully allow for a firsthand experience. While there may not be much else to offer, Edirne Palace remains a significant historical landmark worth exploring.

tarih kokan yer An authentic place steeped in history

Umut D — Google review

The place was ruins and many homeless people around the walls. I did not feel safe. I suggest using a car to visit the ruins because it’s huge and stretches over a long distance. I just managed to film parts of it riding a bus from grand bazaar to zeitunburnu. I only can imagine how massive was it sit its days!

Amir D — Google review

We just circled around this palace due to road closures. Unfortunately we didnt know there was the famous ‘Kirkpinar yagli guresleri’. We hope to see it close up next time we might visit this lovely city

Mediscover S — Google review

Good place to visit and be there but nothing much there.

Fares O — Google review

It's closed

AZADEH D — Google review

Historical place

Berkant D — Google review

(Translated by Google) There are not many ruins of the palace, there is only one restored building, but when one thinks about the experiences, one is impressed. Kırkpınar Er Square is located in the area inside the palace, it is a valuable and worth seeing spot.(Original)Saraya ait fazla bir kalıntı yok, restore edilmiş tek bir yapı var ancak yaşanmışlıkları düşününce insan etkileniyor, saray içi bölgesinde Kırkpınar Er Meydanı da bulunuyor, kıymetli ve görülmeye değer bir nokta.

Türkiye A — Google review

(Translated by Google) We will cross another bridge from here. Immediately on our right, there is an obelisk erected by Abdulaziz to commemorate his visit to Edirne on his return from his European trip. Before crossing the bridge, you come across a beautiful tower. This tower, like its counterpart in Istanbul, is called the Palace of Justice. A cute, multi-storey tower with a pointed roof. It is said that there was also a marble pool with a fountain on the top floor of this four-storey building, which was built in 1561. We come to the ruins of the old Edirne Palace by crossing the newly restored stone bridge next to it (Fatih Bridge).This place has a history dating back to the times when the Ottoman Empire used Edirne as its capital. It is a huge complex that fell out of favor over time after Istanbul and eventually, a large part of it was destroyed as a result of the ammunition stored in it being blown up. There is no important part of it that we can say has survived to the present day. Only a part of the palace's bath is relatively standing. There is also a door on the side of the road ahead. All that remains of the huge garden used by the palace for hunting is the wooded area called "Chicken Forest" today.(Original)Buradan bir köprü daha geçeceğiz. Hemen sağımızda Abdülaziz ‘in Avrupa gezisinden dönüşü sırasında Edirne'ye de uğraması anısına diktirdiği dikilitaş mevcut. Köprüyü geçmeden güzel bir kule ile karşılaşıyorsunuz. Bu kulede İstanbul'daki benzeri gibi adalet kasrı adını taşımakta. Sivri külahlı bir çatısı olan çok katlı, şirin bir kule. 1561 yılında yapılan bu dört katlı yapının en üst katında bir de mermer, fıskiyeli bir havuz olduğu söyleniyor. Yanındaki yeni restore edilmiş taş köprüyü de (Fatih Köprüsü ) aşarak eski Edirne Sarayı'nın kalıntılarına geliyoruz.Burası Osmanlı'nın Edirne'yi başkent olarak kullandığı dönemlere değin uzanan bir tarihe sahip. İstanbul sonrası zamanla iyiden iyiye gözden düşmüş nihayetinde içerisinde saklanan mühimmatın havaya uçurulması sonucunda epeyce bir kısmı yok olmuş dev bir kompleks. Günümüze sağlam olarak kalmış diyebileceğimiz önemli bir parçası yok. Sadece sarayın hamamına ait olan bir kısım nispeten ayakta. Birde ileride yolun kenarında yer alan bir kapı duruyor. Sarayın av için kullandığı devasa bahçedense kala kala günümüzde “Tavuk ormanı” denilen ağaçlık alan kalmış.

Bora A — Google review

(Translated by Google) Edirne Sarayı Palace was built in the last years of Murad II's reign (circa 1450) on an area of ​​300-355,000 square meters in the area called Sarayiçi west of the Tunca River and became a large complex with additions and repairs in almost every period. This palace, many of which were built during the reign of Mehmed the Conqueror and contained about 100 buildings with very different functions, spanned a very large area.The construction of the palace, which was interrupted for a while after the death of the ruler, was completed by Mehmet the Conqueror in 1475. During the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent, Ahmet I, Avci Mehmet, Ahmet II and Ahmet III. The palace was constantly repaired and new buildings were added. After Ahmet III. Had gone to Istanbul in 1718, Mustafa III came. In 1768, no sultan came to Edirne, and that half century was the beginning of destruction. The destruction process continued with the great earthquake of 1752 and the fire of 1776. In 1827, part of the palace was repaired during the reign of Mahmut II. The Russians, who occupied Edirne in 1829, used the palace as a camp and caused extensive damage. Many buildings were saved during the repair period, which began with Governor Hurşit Pasha in 1868 and lasted until Hacı İzzet Pasha became governor in 1873.Unfortunately, access to several sights, such as Fatih Köprüsü, Harabe Kum Kasrı Hamamı, Sarayiçi Balkan Savaşı Şehitliği, Matbah-ı Âmire and Edirne Sarayı, was closed - massive fences with climbing protection prevented even the slightest view. I was only able to take some photos with my telephoto lens.Unfortunately, we only viewed it from a distance on July 12, 2022 and described it in detail in the “Travel Report 112 Bolu, Edirne” and supported it with photos.(Original)Der Palastes Edirne Sarayı wurde in den letzten Jahren der Herrschaft von Murad II. (ca. 1450) auf einer Fläche von 300-355.000 Quadratmetern in der Gegend namens Sarayiçi westlich des Tunca-Flusses gebaut und wurde zu einem großen Komplex mit Ergänzungen und Reparaturen in fast jeder Periode. Dieser Palast, von dem viele während der Herrschaft von Mehmed dem Eroberer erbaut wurden und etwa 100 Gebäude mit sehr unterschiedlichen Funktionen enthielten, erstreckte sich über ein sehr großes Gebiet.Der Bau des Palastes, der nach dem Tod des Herrschers für eine Weile unterbrochen wurde, wurde 1475 von Mehmet dem Eroberer abgeschlossen. Während der Regierungszeit von Suleiman dem Prächtigen, Ahmet I., Avci Mehmet, Ahmet II. und Ahmet III. wurde der Palast ständig repariert und neue Gebäude wurden hinzugefügt. Nachdem Ahmet III. 1718 nach Istanbul gegangen war, kam bis Mustafa III. 1768 kein Sultan nach Edirne, und dieses halbe Jahrhundert war der Beginn der Zerstörung. Der Zerstörungsprozess setzte sich mit dem großen Erdbeben 1752 und dem Brand 1776 fort. 1827 wurde ein Teil des Palastes während der Regierungszeit von Mahmut II. repariert. Die Russen, die Edirne 1829 besetzten, nutzten den Palast als Lager und richteten großen Schaden an. Viele Gebäude wurden während der Reparaturzeit gerettet, die 1868 mit Gouverneur Hurşit Pasha begann und dauerte, bis Hacı İzzet Pasha 1873 Gouverneur wurde.Leider war der Zugang zu mehreren Sehenswürdigkeiten, wie Fatih Köprüsü, Harabe Kum Kasrı Hamamı, Sarayiçi Balkan Savaşı Şehitliği, Matbah-ı Âmire sowie Edirne Sarayı gesperrt - massive Zäume mit Übersteigschutz verhinderten selbst den kleinsten Blick. Nur mit meinem Teleobjektiv konnte ich doch einige Fotos machen.Wir besichtigten es leider nur aus der Ferne am 12.07.2022 und beschreibe es im "Reisebericht 112 Bolu, Edirne" ausführlich und belege es mit Fotos.

Andreas M — Google review

(Translated by Google) Since you cannot protect our history, it is currently in the process of being built from scratch. According to the information given by the security at the gate, there is a construction process of approximately 5 years. You can't get in. The Justice Pavilion, which is included here, is only standing. It is only possible to see it from outside the wires.(Original)Tarihimize sahip çıkamadığınız için şu an sıfırdan inşa sürecinde. Kapıdaki güvenliğin verdiği bilgiye göre yaklaşık 5 yıllık bir inşa süreci var. İçeriye giremiyorsunuz. Buraya dahil olan Adalet Kasrı ayakta duruyor sadece. Onu da ancak tellerin dışından görmek mümkün.

Ahmet K — Google review

(Translated by Google) Edirne PalaceThe construction of the palace, which was built on an area of ​​300-355,000 square meters in the north of the city, by the Tunca River, started in 1450 during the reign of Murat II. The construction of the palace, which stopped for a while after the death of the ruler, was completed by Fatih Sultan Mehmet in 1475. During the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent, Ahmet I, Avcı Mehmet, Ahmet II, and Ahmet III, the palace was constantly repaired and new structures were added. After Ahmet III went to Istanbul in 1718, no sultan came to Edirne until Mustafa III in 1768, and this half-century period in between was the beginning of the destruction. The destruction process continued with the great earthquake in 1752 and the fire in 1776. In 1827, during the reign of Mahmud II, part of the palace was repaired. The Russians, who occupied Edirne in 1829, used the palace as a camp and caused great damage. Many buildings were saved during the repair period, which started with Governor Hurşit Pasha in 1868 and continued until Hacı İzzet Pasha became governor in 1873.During the Russian War of 1876-77, when Governor Cemil Pasha and Edirne Commander Ahmet Eyüp Pasha could not reach an agreement due to the enemy approaching the city, the ammunition accumulated around Bab'üs Sa'âde was detonated and many structures of the palace were destroyed as a result of explosions that lasted for three days. After this, looting began and the ruins of the palace were used in other buildings.Cihannüma Kasrı (Taht-ı Hümayun), built by Fatih Sultan Mehmet, constitutes the main structure of the palace. It consists of the private room, the sevens room, the sanjak-i sherif office, the palace library and the sanjak-i sherif masjid and the apartments. It is located adjacent to each other in the south of Cihannüma Kasrı. . Ahmet apartments were built. Following these sultan apartments, the Valide Sultan, second, third and fourth women's apartments, princes', concubine apartments, ward apartments, patients' ward, aghas' apartments and the Supply Room in the west of Cihannüma Pavilion constituted the integrity of the palace. In front of it is Bab'üs Sa'ade (White Trees Gate).The construction of the Edirne New Palace, which started during the reign of Murat II, continued over time. 2. Beyazıt Tunca had his bed covered with stones and built high retaining walls on the sides. During the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent and Hassa Mimarbaşı Mimar Sinan, the Edirne Palace literally entered its second construction phase. During this period, the palace was re-planned, its topography was arranged, and water-related problems were solved. Mimar Sinan connected a branch of the Taşlımüsellim water he brought to Edirne to the palace. In order to protect the palace buildings from floods, a significant part of this water coming to the Tunca bed was removed from the palace area by a canal opened in the form of an arc and was connected to Tunca next to the Saraçhane Bridge. This surrounded the palace area with a second waterway in the east - south - west direction, thus creating a Hasbahçe in the area between the river and the canal bed and protecting the palace without a city wall. Suleiman the Magnificent had a bridge built on this canal, on the axis of the Fatih Bridge over Tunca, and redefined the main entrance of the palace. During the reign of Murat IV, Imadiye Pavilion, and during the reign of Mehmet IV, Alay Pavilion, Iftar Pavilion, Hunting Pavilion, Bülbül and Bostancı Pavilion were built in Hasbahçe.MY RECOMMENDATIONS BEFORE YOU VIEW1. Edirne Palace or Saray-ı Cedid-i Amire (New Palace) is one of the Ottoman palaces in Edirne.2. It was the largest palace of the Ottoman Empire after the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul. Only a very small part of it has survived to the present day.3. In 2008, work was started on the restoration of Edirne Palace.4. You can visualize the work better by looking at old pictures.(Original)Edirne SarayıŞehrin kuzeyinde, Tunca Nehri kenarında, 300-355.000 metrekarelik bir alana kurulmuş olan sarayın yapımına, 1450'de 2. Murat zamanında başlanmıştır. Hükümdarın ölümü üzerine bir süre durmuş olan saray inşaatı, Fatih Sultan Mehmet tarafından 1475'te tamamlanmıştır. Kanuni Sultan Süleyman, 1. Ahmet, Avcı Mehmet, 2. Ahmet, 3. Ahmet zamanında saray sürekli tamir görmüş ve yeni yapılar eklenmiştir. 3. Ahmet'in 1718 yılında İstanbul'a gitmesinden sonra, 1768 yılında 3. Mustafa'ya kadar hiçbir padişah Edirne'ye gelmemiş, aradaki bu yarım asırlık süreç tahribatın başlangıcı olmuştur. 1752'deki büyük deprem ve 1776 yılındaki yangınla tahribat süreci devam etmiştir. 1827'de 2. Mahmut zamanında sarayın bir kısmı tamir edilmiştir. 1829 yılında Edirne'yi işgal eden Ruslar, sarayı bir ordugah olarak kullanmışlar ve büyük zarar vermişlerdir. 1868'de Vali Hurşit Paşa'yla başlayıp, Hacı İzzet Paşa'nın 1873'teki valiliğine kadar süren tamirat döneminde bir çok yapı kurtarılmıştır.1876-77 Rus Savaşı'nda düşmanın şehre yaklaşması nedeniyle Vali Cemil Paşa ile Edirne kumandanı Ahmet Eyüp Paşa'nın anlaşamamaları üzerine Bab'üs Sa'âde civarında yığılan cephanenin patlatılması ile üç gün süren patlamalar sonucu sarayın bir çok yapısı yıkılmıştır. Bundan sonra yağma başlamış ve saraya ait kalıntılar başka yapılarda kullanılmıştır.Fatih Sultan Mehmet tarafından inşa ettirilen, Cihannüma Kasrı (Taht-ı Hümayun) sarayın ana yapısını oluşturmaktadır. Has oda, yediler odası, sancak-ı şerif dairesi, kütüphane-i hümayun (saray kütüphanesi ve sancak-ı şerif mescidi ve dairelerden meydana gelmiştir. Cihannüma Kasrı'nın güneyinde birbirine bitişik olarak 4.(Avcı) Mehmet, 2. Mustafa ve 3. Ahmet daireleri inşa edilmiştir. Bu sultan dairelerinin devamında Valide Sultan, baş, ikinci, üçüncü ve dördüncü kadınlar, şehzadeler, cariye daireleri, gedikli daireleri, hastalar koğuşu, ağalar daireleri ile Cihannüma Kasrı'nın batısında Arz Odası sarayın bütünlüğünü oluşturmuştur. Arz Odası'nın önünde Bab'üs Sa'ade (Ak Ağalar Kapısı) yer almaktadır.Edirne Yeni Sarayı'nın, 2. Murat zamanında başlayan yapılaşması zaman içinde sürdürülmeye devam etmiştir. 2. Beyazıt Tunca yatağını taşla kaplatmış, yanlarına da yüksek istinat duvarları ördürmüştür. Kanuni Sultan Süleyman ve Hassa Mimarbaşı Mimar Sinan döneminde Edirne Sarayı'nın adeta ikinci yapılaşma sürecine girmiştir. Bu dönemde saray yeniden planlanmış, topoğrafyası düzenlenmiş, su ile ilgili problemleri çözülmüştür. Mimar Sinan, Edirne'ye getirdiği Taşlımüsellim suyunun bir kolunu saraya bağlamıştır. Saray yapılarını su taşkınlarından korumak için, Tunca yatağına gelen bu suyun önemli bir kısmı bir yay biçiminde açılan kanalla saray alanından uzaklaştırılmış ve Saraçhane Köprüsü yanından Tunca'ya bağlanmıştır. Bu da saray alanını doğu - güney - batı yönünde ikinci bir su yoluyla çevirmiş böylece nehir ile kanal yatağı arasındaki alanda Hasbahçe oluşmuş sarayın sur duvarı olmadan korunması sağlanmıştır. Bu kanal üzerinde, Tunca üzerindeki Fatih Köprüsü ekseninde bir köprüyü Kanuni inşa ettirerek, sarayın ana girişini tekrar belirlemiştir. 4. Murat zamanında İmadiye Kasrı 4. Mehmet zamanında Hasbahçe'de Alay Köşkü, İftar Köşkü, Av Köşkü, Bülbül ve Bostancı Kasrı inşa edilmiştir.GÖRMEDEN ÖNCE TAVSİYELERİM1.Edirne Sarayı ya da Saray-ı Cedid-i Amire (Yeni Saray) Edirne'deki Osmanlı saraylarından biridir.2. İstanbul’daki Topkapı Sarayı’ndan sonra Osmanlı’nın en büyük sarayı idi. Günümüze yalnızca çok küçük bir kısmı ulaşabilmiştir.3.2008 yılında Edirne Sarayı’nın restorasyonu için çalışma başlatılmıştır.4.Eski resimlerine bakarak eseri daha iyi gözünüzde canlandırabilirsiniz.

Ali Ö — Google review

Edirne, Turkey skyline: the 19 most iconic buildings and best views in Edirne (2024)


What is Edirne best known for? ›

Edirne is famed for its many mosques, medreses and other Ottoman monuments.

Is it worth visiting Edirne? ›

You're Going to Love Edirne

Today, it is a popular tourist spot for history and culture lovers, along with bargain hunters who frequent the local markets. A gateway to Asia with a European flair, you'll discover striking architecture and rich local cuisine.

Was edirne the capital of the Ottoman Empire? ›

Adrianople (Edirne), a major Byzantine city in Thrace, was conquered by the Ottomans sometime in the 1360s, and eventually became the Ottoman capital, until the Fall of Constantinople in 1453.

Where is modern day Adrianople? ›

EDIRNE (Adrianople), town in Turkey located in eastern Thrace near the Turkish-Greek-Bulgarian frontier. According to the 2000 census, the city's population was recorded as 119,316. The city was named after the Roman emperor, Hadrian (125 C.E.).

What does Edirne mean in english? ›

Edirne in British English

(ɛˈdirnɛ ) noun. a city in NW Turkey: a Thracian town, rebuilt and renamed by the Roman emperor Hadrian.

Is Edirne, Turkey safe? ›

Crime rates in Edirne, Turkey
Level of crime15.00Very Low
Worries attacked25.00Low
Worries being insulted18.18Very Low
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion11.36Very Low
Problem people using or dealing drugs13.64Very Low
8 more rows

Is Turkey affordable to visit? ›

Journey's End: Overall, a trip to Turkey's cost depends on your travel style and preferences. Budget travelers might spend $50 to $100 per day, while a more luxurious trip could cost over $200 per day. Planning with all expenses in mind ensures a more enjoyable Turkish journey.

Is it safe for Westerners to travel to Istanbul? ›

Is it safe to travel to Istanbul? Istanbul is a major tourist destination and is generally safe for American travelers. However, like any large city, it's advisable to be aware of your surroundings and take necessary precautions, especially in crowded tourist spots.

What happened to Edirne Palace? ›

The palace remained unused from 1718, when Ahmed III relocated his seat to Istanbul, until 1768, when Mustafa III ( r. 1757–1774) returned to the city. During this half-century of vacancy, the palace fell into a state of dilapidation. The destruction was abetted by the 1752 earthquake and the 1776 fire in the city.

Who was the conqueror of Edirne? ›

Edirne was finally conquered by Sultan Murat I in 1361 and became the throne (head) city of the Ottoman Empire and remained as a capital city (Payitaht) for 92 years until Istanbul was conquered in 1453.

What is the population of Edirne? ›

Edirne is located near tо borders with Bulgaria and Greece. The population of city is around 157,000 people.

What were the three Ottoman capitals? ›

Ottoman government deliberately pursued a policy for the development of Bursa, Edirne, and Istanbul, successive Ottoman capitals, into major commercial and industrial centers, considering that merchants and artisans were indispensable in creating a new metropolis.

What is the Greek name for Edirne? ›

Edirne (formerly Adrianople) is a city in the northwestern Turkish province of Edirne in the region of East Thrace, close to Turkey's borders with Greece and Bulgaria. In Greek, it is sometimes called Adrianoúpolis, in Bulgarian its name is Odrin.

Who destroyed the Ottoman Empire? ›

The Ottoman Empire sided with Germany in World War I (1914–18); postwar treaties dissolved the empire, and in 1922 the sultanate was abolished by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who proclaimed the Republic of Turkey the following year.

How many Romans died at Adrianople? ›

Some 20,000 of 30,000 men were killed, including Emperor Valens. The decisive Visigoth victory at the Battle of Adrianople left the Eastern Roman Empire nearly defenseless and established the supremacy of cavalry over infantry that would last for the next millennium.

What is Izmit Turkey known for? ›

Izmit is known for some of its popular attractions, which include: Outlet Center Izmit. Ayri Gezegen Cam Teras Kartepe. Seka Park.

What was Constantinople most known for? ›

Constantinople is generally considered to be the center and the "cradle of Orthodox Christian civilization". From the mid-5th century to the early 13th century, Constantinople was the largest and wealthiest city in Europe.

What was Istanbul known as? ›

The city of Istanbul has been known by a number of different names. The most notable names besides the modern Turkish name are Byzantium, Constantinople, and Stamboul. Different names are associated with different phases of its history, with different languages, and with different portions of it.


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